Inside + outside
Our selected site comprises a row of industrial sheds, sited adjacent to Penarth railway station.
Many similar sites and buildings exist across the UK. The principles of how and why this building typology could be re-purposed for housing therefore applies in numerous locations.
Our proposal would retain the steel frame of the sheds with our houses and landscape woven beneath the retained protective roof covering, which would assist in the construction and assembly of the project, unimpeded by inclement weather. Alterations to the roof would later be made to incorporate areas of glazing / solar panels and open areas, creating, upon completion, a beautiful, sheltered environment for the residents.
It is intended to reuse all possible salvaged materials in the new design, combined with timber frame pods / CLT prefabricated elements. The new insertions would be slightly raised, floating over the existing slab, thereby avoiding the need for excavation of the existing slab for foundations or drainage and permitting flexibility and easing maintenance.
Our team envisages a collection of dwellings along with shared communal buildings / spaces, set beneath an umbrella roof – a sheltered, inhabited, green oasis, combining both private and shared places for people to gather and meet. Extensive soft landscaping is proposed, climbing and draping over the retained structure, accompanied by the sound of the rainwater as it is collected and pours into the designated ponds. As there are no perimeter walls, the landscape bleeds in from outside to inside, blurring the boundaries, linking to the wider community.
Loyn + Co Architects
Victoria Coombs, Architect
Serenity Co Housing
Potential future user – Serenity CoHousing are a Community Led Housing Group currently looking for a site in Cardiff and the wider area. They are a group of Muslim women in their 20s-40s and sit well in target market.
Mann Williams
Tom Hill, Engineer
Melin Consultants
Darren Baker, Energy Assessors
Seed Landscape
Jack Marshall, Landscape Architect
LRM Planning
Sam Courtney, Planning Consultant