It Takes A Village
The old adage says that it takes a village to raise a child. But as cities grow larger, housing denser and connections more digital, the support networks of village-like communities are being marginalised.
Cost and availability of childcare is threatening to tip the balance for families facing high housing costs, rising utility bills, limited space and loneliness. Meanwhile, non-profit childcare providers struggle to find sites in a property market that gives little thought to social infrastructure.
Children’s futures are significantly influenced by socioeconomics, quality of early years education and home learning environments. In response, It Takes A Village combines mixed-tenure housing with nursery provision, communal domesticity and family spaces. Taking the form of a toolkit, it addresses design, law, policy and financial viability to achieve an inclusive ecosystem of family-centric communal living options.
The typologies flex with family needs and can be adapted for large urban developments or small infill sites, clustering around a communal heart where families learn, play and socialise together. By taking domestic functions out of isolation, the model offers families better quality spaces and more social interaction.
Michael Tsiagbe, Developer / Asset Manager
NOOMA Studio
Ramsey Yassa, Architect
London Early Years Foundation
Samantha Creme, Early Years Provider
Centric Lab
Josh Artus, Mental & Physical Health Advisor